‎"Guys are like stars... There are a million of them... but only ONE can make your dreams come true!"


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Random pic of me dirt biking ^
I have no inspiration right now So I shall not write a post until I have inspiration of what I want to write..... Yes I have some now. Okay so this is my dream, everyone has this dream pretty much and its common. But I'm working on this dream I'm trying to make this dream happen. I'm working really hard on it. My dream is to be a actress, I take classes and have been in plays. I wish I could be a actress but whatever. Any ways I might post some videos of me and my friends acting our parts we have to do in our class I don't know maybe not... Okay well this was a useless post don't even read it bye!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Quotes :)

Here is some quotes I love:
"The freshman girl, oh so shy, sits and watches the sophomore guy. THe sophomore guy, with his head in a whirl, sits and watches the junior girl. THe junior girl, in her red sedan, sits and watches the senior man. But the senior man all hot and wild, secretly loves the freshman child."

"sHE beLIEveD him"
"Dear dairy.
Today I met a boy.
He stole my heart.....
And won't give it back"

" It's okay to believe. You are beautiful"

" All I can do is be ME, whoever that is" -Bob Dylan

"Dear heart today I met a boy prepare to shatter."

" SHE: is laying in bed with the door locked the curtains are drawn and the lights off. The Notebook is in the dvd player. An empty tub of ice cream is on the floor next to dozens of crumpled tissues. She's got her music blasting, so loud no one can hear her sobs. Her fingertips are smudged with black from wiping away mascara- stained tears. She's replaying their last conversation, thinking I'll never get him back.
HE: is sitting on the edge of his bed with the door locked. THe curtains are drawn and the lights off, Call of duty is in the xBox. The Controllers is laying on the floor, Right beneath the spot where he nearly punched the wall i his own frustration.
He's got the music blasting so loud no one can hear his cries. His hair is a mess form running his hands through it. And he's replauing their last conversation, thinking she'll never take me back."


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Today me and My family went to the movies and saw Rango. It was cute and funny. After the movie my little brother ( age 5) Kept saying. "You can always tell how a movie ends first its funny and then the hero always win." and I realized its TRUE almost every movie ends with a great happy ending and the bad guy wins and NEVER dies when he is about to. Notice how I say 'almost every movie' there is some movies out there that don't end like that. Movies like that never make it though, people get mad because they expect a happy ending. Itssad how reality these days, people can't take a change, they want it to end happy. I guess most people cling on to the happy endings, hoping they will
have on of their on, it's sad. Directors if you dare to go that far where the hero dies, good luck to you.

~ Brinley

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I have been sick for 5 days and had to go to a competition this week....enjoy this pic!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The lonely love life of a teenage girl

The awful dreadful L word Love in high\middle school you see it everywhere. The Hand holding, the kissing, the hugging, the whisper in the ear. It seems like its everyone is together with someone...but you. Thats when you get worried that when you secretly sniff yourself to see if you have major B.O. or worse did anyone notice the big giant ZIT on your forehead. Well here is some ways that will help you so your not embarrassed anymore to be single.
Step 1. Walking to the bus from school and there is no one 6 feet radius of you. Quickly dash to your left and put your arm around him and ask what he wants to do that night, and keep talking so he cant get a word in.

Step 2. Your standing with your group of friends and they all are holding hands with their boyfriend. What do you do? Its simple hold some stranger guys hand and act like its normal.

Well that all I got. Good luck surviving in this world.