‎"Guys are like stars... There are a million of them... but only ONE can make your dreams come true!"


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hurry and read this

Ok so summer is almost over and finally were not going on any vacation so now I have time for my blog. This summer has been really fun, jordan, taylor, and me had a sleep over and we were sleeping on the ground at 4:00 in the morning Jordan see a cockroach coming toward her so brave taylor tried squishing it with her shoe but it wouldn't die it was like a never dying cockroach it was gross cockroach guts were every where after taylor stomped on it like 20 times only its legs were moving so we put a bucket over and slept in another room. I am also getting my braces off the 25th!!!!! I am changing my blog name on saturday and it will be ateenagerslife.blogspot.com.


Beth said...

thats so exciting so are u going to through your own little party after u get your braces off ? i did i was so happy if feels weird at first but after a while it feels ok!!

brinley said...

ya I am going to eat a carmel apple when by braces are off!!!

Lindsey said...

YEAH well i wish i could play butv im in japan so i will call you wheni get home ok

brinley said...

Your in japan!!!!!!! You are so lucky!!!! When will you be back?